SeedIL does not provide any investment advice. The goal of SeedIL is to enable like-minded people to share their ideas about Israeli technological start ups.

Nothing contained on SeedIL’s website should be considered as investment advice. You should consult you qualified financial, business and legal professionals before making any investment decisions.

Companies and opportunities profiled on this web site are for informational purposes only. The purpose of these profiles is to make SeedIL’s members aware of these companies and opportunities, and should not in any way come across as a recommendation to invest. You should do your own thorough research before making any investment decisions. SeedIL may have been compensated for profiling companies on this web site and may have obtained positions in the companies represented. All data provided herein, including information provided by potential target companies – are partial. The information contained herein is not sufficient to make any investment decision of any sort.

SeedIL makes reasonable efforts to provide accurate information contained on its web site but does not in any way guarantee that this information is of a timely nature. SeedIL makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of any kind related to the information provided, and hereby disclaims all such representations and warranties, created by law, contract or otherwise. In no event shall SeedIL be liable for damages of any kind arising from use of the content of this site, including without limitation direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, even if SeedIL was aware of the possibility of such damages. 

SeedIL reserves its right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the information at any time without prior notification. 

Nothing contained herein is to be viewed as a recommendation to invest in any company.

Any potential investment should be subject to a complete due diligence process and subject to certain qualifications – more fully detailed in transaction documentation and specific provisions contained therein (transaction documentation is likely to include: term-sheets, subscription agreements, limited partnership agreements,  etc.).

Those interested in learning more about a company and/or a specific opportunity are encouraged to contact us, so we can better assist.

Before making any investment decisions, one should fully assess the risks attached to any investment and should query any matters where one fears inadequate risk disclosure has been made.

One must obtain investment and tax advice from advisors before deciding to invest. We do not provide any investment, legal or tax advice and will not have any liability for any legal, investment or tax issues in connection with any investment you decide to make.

If you Invest:

·       You will use your own judgment before making any decision to invest or to accept an investment involving what is to you a material amount of money.

·       You will be solely responsible for complying with applicable law regarding any transaction.

·       You will obtain such professional advice as is appropriate to protect your interests, including legal, accounting and other advice.

Always Remember:

SeedIL has no duty, nor should you expect SeedIL to evaluate, confirm, endorse, or otherwise stand behind any person’s statements or recommend any investment, or treat any information you receive as a result of your access to the Service as a representation of any kind by SeedIL on which you should rely.

SeedIL is not responsible for verifying that that any Investor is accredited or otherwise authorized or appropriate to invest per the laws of any jurisdiction

SeedIL does not recommend any start-ups for investment or endorse their fitness for investment, verify the information on the Site or in our emails, nor does SeedIL claim any of that information is accurate.

Additional Words of Caution: Start Ups

Investment may lose value – SeedIL focuses its interest on technology start-up companies. These are all privately held start-up, early-stage or small to medium sized companies that are looking to launch a product or service and may not have a proven track record.

Investments are illiquid – By definition, there is no public market for private companies and there may never be a market for the shares in these companies.  Accordingly, one may not be able to sell an interest / investment or realize any profit (even a return of capital) from any investment made.

Private companies – While we expect the start-up companies we interact with to commit to us to regular updates regarding their performance, there is no guarantee that they will adhere to this commitment and we cannot ensure that we will take action if they fail to do so.

No regulatory requirements – When a company goes public it is required to disclose specific information and adhere to strict regulations with regard to their actions, disclosure and corporate governance.  Start-ups with which we interact are not subject to the same requirements.

A Final Note: Past and Future

The past performance of any investment history, featured start-up companies selected by SeedIL or the like is not necessarily indicative of future results.

When considering investment in technology start up companies, one should only commit money that one can afford to lose. Private company investments are not for everyone and entail risks that are different from more traditional investments.